Authentication of Following services is based on the University IT account.
- GU Gmail
[Descriptions] - Proself Document Manger (Faculty and Staff only)
[Manual (Japanese)]
[Download Proself Disk (Japanese)] - GU Information DB
DB of educational and reserch information of Gunma university.[Login] - Wireless LAN
[Descriptions (Japanese)] - Wired LAN
[Descriptions (Japanese)] - GU Moodle
Learing management system provided by Library and IPC. - Moodle for Staff and Faculties
- VPN Service
VPN Service provides a secure connection between your PC outside GU and GU internal network. Before using the VPN service, you must pass e-learning of the information security (cyberethics) [e-learing of information security(cyberethics)] - Maling List Service
[Descriptions (Japanese)] - Campus Lisenced Softwares
- My Library
- GU Information System 2014
Information system for educational affairs. - Gakunin Services
e-Journal, databases are available using university IT account. Using "anonymous eduroam account" is required to pass the cyberethics.